Beginners Two-Part Yoga Workshop

with Denise Bryson
Sunday 19th May 2024 1-2.45pm
price: £50
Book your place
BEGINNERS YOGA WORKSHOP (tailored for beginners & improvers) 
Join us for this luxurious two-part workshop and embark on a transformative journey into the glorious world of yoga. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it. 
Whether you're brand new to yoga or have been practicing for a while, this workshop offers something valuable for everyone.
1. For Beginners: If you've been thinking about trying yoga but haven't quite taken the leap, this workshop provides a gentle and supportive introduction to the practice. You'll learn the basics of yoga from the ground up, starting with foundational poses, breathwork techniques, and alignment principles. The atmosphere will be welcoming and inclusive, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident as you explore this new territory.
2. For Improvers: Maybe you've already dipped your toes into the world of yoga and have been practicing for a while. This workshop offers you the opportunity to revisit the foundations of yoga with a fresh perspective. Sometimes, as our practice evolves, we can benefit from revisiting the basics to deepen our understanding and refine our techniques. You'll have the chance to fine-tune your alignment, explore variations of familiar poses, and deepen your awareness of breath and mindfulness.
Part 1(Sunday 19th May): Foundations of Yoga; In this segment of the workshop, we'll lay down the groundwork for your yoga journey. Whether you're a complete novice or someone with a bit of experience, we'll focus on the fundamental principles of yoga. From basic poses (asanas) to understanding the importance of breath (pranayama) and alignment, you'll gain a solid understanding of how yoga works both physically and mentally. We'll explore different styles of yoga, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin, so you can discover what resonates with you best. By the end of Part 1, you'll have a strong foundation to build upon as you continue your yoga practice.
Part 2(Sunday 26th May): Seasonal Yoga; Yoga isn't just about the physical postures, it's also about harmonizing with the rhythms of nature and our own bodies. In this part of the workshop, we'll delve into the concept of seasonal yoga. Just as nature transitions through different seasons, our bodies also experience changes throughout the year. We'll explore how to adapt our yoga practice to align with these seasonal shifts, focusing on poses, breathwork, and mindfulness practices that support us in each season. From energizing flows in spring to grounding poses in autumn, you'll learn how to tune into the wisdom of your body and the natural world around you.
Why Try Yoga? If you've been contemplating trying yoga for a while, now is the perfect time to take the leap. Yoga offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind. Physically, it can improve flexibility, strength, and balance, while also reducing the risk of injury and relieving tension in the body. Mentally, yoga is a powerful tool for stress relief, promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and mental clarity. It's a holistic practice that nurtures not just your physical health, but also your emotional and spiritual well-being.
Moreover, yoga is incredibly inclusive and adaptable. Regardless of age, fitness level, or body type, there's a style of yoga that's right for you. Whether you're seeking a vigorous workout or a gentle practice to unwind, you'll find something that suits your needs. Plus, the yoga community is incredibly supportive and welcoming, making it easy to connect with like-minded individuals on your journey.
So if you've been curious about yoga for a while....don't hesitate any longer, this workshop is for you! 
Teacher info:
Denise is a 200hr registered seasonal yoga teacher who graduated at Prana Yoga Studio and she also works and teaches at Prana. She adores everything related to yoga and is deeply committed to sharing its transformative power, aiming to infuse simplicity into people's lives through the profound practice of yoga.
"Feel connected, live mindfully, simplify your life and spoil yourself....!"
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Insta: @yoga_with_db